Bodmin Road Liverpool Postcode
List of streets and postcodes on liverpool street map streetmapof co uk.
Bodmin road liverpool postcode. The postcode is within the county ward electoral division which is in the constituency of liverpool walton. Bodmin has 85m 279ft altitude. L4 5sn is a residential postcode in walton liverpool. Dialling code of bodmin is 01208.
This page combines information for the address bodmin road liverpool l4 5sn and the neighbourhood in which it resides. Liverpool postcode district is l6 8. The inward code includes the postcode sector and the postcode unit. Bodmin road in liverpool is in the north west region of england.
This page combines information for the address bodmin road liverpool l4 5sw and the neighbourhood in which it resides. The postcode is within the county ward electoral division which is in the constituency of liverpool walton. Postcodes in bodmin cornwall at check my postcode. Estimated residential property values based on historical transactions and adjusted for inflation range from 0 to 149 683 with an average of 88 690.
Missing incorrect postcodes in bodmin. The merseyside outward code includes the postcode area and the postcode liverpool district. I try my best to keep the data accurate and up to date but there are often cases where information is either missing or inccurate so i appreciate all the help i can get. Bodmin road on street map of liverpool uk.
Use rightmove online house price checker tool to find out exactly how much properties sold for in bodmin road walton liverpool merseyside l4 since 1995 based on official land registry data. View our wide selection of houses and flats for sale in bodmin road walton liverpool l4. Post town of postcode area pl is plymouth. Find properties to buy in bodmin road walton liverpool l4 with the uk s largest data driven property portal.
Sold house prices in bodmin road walton liverpool merseyside l4. Bodmin road in liverpool is in the north west region of england. The most common council tax band is a. Bodmin road liverpool l4 5sn.
If you have any additional information about postcodes in bodmin cornwall please contact me.